Understanding Leads to Growth.
Collaborative Psychological Assessments
Richmond, VA + online
What is Collaborative Assessment?
Collaborative assessment is psychological assessment with therapeutic benefits. Together, we’ll gain greater awareness of your life experiences, personality dynamics, and relationship patterns, and then use this information to discover what’s holding you back.
What questions do you have about yourself? Where are you feeling stuck?
Relationship Issues.
What is getting in the way of me feeling closer to my partner? Why do we keep falling into the same patterns? Is my current relationship still even workable?
Why is parenting so challenging for me? Why do I feel so overwhelmed by my child’s emotions? What is getting in the way of me having a better relationship with my child?
How severe are my symptoms? Are experiences from my past still impacting me? What areas should I focus on in therapy? Why has therapy not worked for me?
How do I make sense of what happened? Why do I keep finding myself in unworkable relationships? How can I find a healthy relationship going forward?
Health Behaviors.
Why do I find self-care so difficult? Why is my eating/drinking behavior so out of control? Is my stress contributing to my physical health problems and chronic pain?
Work/Life Balance.
Why do I have such a difficult time slowing down? How can I have a better work/life balance? Are there things getting in the way of being the best version of myself both at home and in my career?
The Process.
Initial Interview.
First, we’ll develop your questions. Your questions may be about your personality, relationships, symptoms you’re experiencing, or any other area of life where you’re feeling stuck. If you have a question that can’t be answered through collaborative assessment, I’ll let you know in our first session. If you’re not sure what to ask, that’s okay, too. We can figure it out together during our first session.
Based on your questions, I’ll recommend you taking specific psychological tests to help us understand you better. Some tests will tell us what you already know about yourself, but others will show us your blind spots. We’ll review the results of the tests you take along the way and explore how all of this relates to your life experiences.
We’ll discuss how all of your testing results fit together and how they relate to the questions you have about yourself. If you’re working with a therapist, they are welcome to attend this session with us.
Letter Sent.
About 6-8 weeks after our last session, I’ll send you a letter where I summarize what we learned about you by answering the specific questions we developed together initially.
Follow Up Session.
Through collaborative assessment, you’ll learn a lot of information about yourself in a relatively short period of time. This meeting will give us a chance to talk more about how your life has changed since our work together, as well as any reactions you had to the letter I sent you.
An Intro to Therapeutic Assessment
Give yourself clarity.
Collaborative assessment is a one-time investment that is well worth the time, energy, and money you’ll save in the long run. In a matter of weeks, we can learn information about you that would take months (even years) to learn in a more traditional therapy format. A Collaborative assessment can give you the clarity you need to move forward in your life.